I. ˈmijə̇t, usu -ə̇d.+V noun
( -s )
Etymology: midge + -et
1. : biting midge , punkie
2. : a very small person ; specifically : a person of unusually small size who is physically well-proportioned — compare dwarf 1a
3. : any creature or thing that is much smaller than the usual, the typical, or the average for its kind
a midget among the industries in its field
all squids live in the sea, and there are many species of diverse forms and sizes from midgets to the giant squid — R.E.Coker
4. : a member of a midget variety, type, or arbitrarily defined class: as
a. : a racing automobile of a class restricted to vehicles substantially smaller and lighter and of less piston displacement than standard automobiles
b. : midget submarine
II. adjective
1. : much smaller than the usual or the typical : miniature , diminutive
the midget nation of Andorra
a miniature locomotive with midget cars — W.L.Gresham
a. : belonging to a variety or type whose members are conspicuously smaller than what are regarded as the typical, normal, or standard or to an arbitrarily defined class in which the maximum permitted size is considerably less than the size that is usual or typical when no maximum is imposed
midget beans
midget racing auto
a race for midget planes
b. : of, relating to, or constituting an organization or an activity (as an organized sport) for children who are usually the youngest eligible to belong or the smallest or lightest eligible to participate
midget football
midget -league baseball