Meaning of MIGRATION in English

mīˈgrāshən noun

( -s )

Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin migration-, migratio, from migratus (past participle of migrare to migrate) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at migrate

1. : the act, process, or an instance of migrating: as


(1) : the act or an instance of moving from one country, region, or place to settle in another

for the first time, the United States counted a net deficit by migration — Oscar Handlin

migration to the suburbs — C.B.Palmer b. 1910

(2) : the act or an instance of moving from one area to another in search of work (as seasonal labor)

the circle of their migrations reached as far north as the beet fields of Michigan — Oscar Handlin

b. : periodic movement from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding

the migrations of birds


(1) : a shifting of an atom or atoms from one part of the molecule to another

(2) : a movement or drift of ions toward one or the other electrode under the influence of electromotive force

d. : an underground movement of oil, gas, or water not occasioned by artificial means

2. : the individuals taking part in a migratory movement or those migrating during a given period

• mi·gra·tion·al (ˈ)mī|grāshən ə l, -shnəl adjective

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