-thfəl adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from mirth, mirthe, myrthe mirth + -ful
1. : full of mirth or merriment
2. : characterized by, expressing, or indicating, mirth
• mirth·ful·ly -fəlē, -li adverb
• mirth·ful·ness noun -es
-thfəl adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from mirth, mirthe, myrthe mirth + -ful
1. : full of mirth or merriment
2. : characterized by, expressing, or indicating, mirth
• mirth·ful·ly -fəlē, -li adverb
• mirth·ful·ness noun -es
Webster's New International English Dictionary. Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster. 2012