I. |misə|sipē, (ˈ)mis|si-, -pi sometimes |mizə|si- or (ˈ)miz|si- adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Mississippi river, central U.S., of Algonquian origin; akin to Ojibwa Misisipi Mississippi river, from misi big + sipi river
1. : of or relating to the Mississippi river
[ Mississippi, state in the southern U.S., from the Mississippi river]
: of or from the state of Mississippi : of the kind or style prevalent in Mississippi
3. : of, relating to, or constituting a culture pattern in the region of the Mississippi drainage system dating A.D. 1300-1700 and characterized by the village-state composed of scattered hamlets dominated by a village that is the ceremonial center and has large pyramidal structures around a plaza
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: usually capitalized
: a game resembling bagatelle in which the balls are played against the side cushions and through numbered arches at the end of the table