Meaning of MONGOLOID in English

I. ˈmäŋgəˌlȯid adjective

Etymology: Mongol (I) + -oid

1. usually capitalized : of, constituting, or characteristic of a racial stock that is native to Asia, that is commonly distinguished as one of the major racial divisions of mankind and considered to comprise peoples prevalent in northern and eastern Asia, Malaysians, Eskimos, and often American Indians, and that has as typical features a yellowish complexion, coarse straight black hair and scant beard, short stature, a round head, and a broad flat face with small nose and prominent cheekbones and with eyes having an epicanthic fold

2. sometimes capitalized : mongolian 3

II. noun

( -s )

1. capitalized : a person of Mongoloid racial stock

2. sometimes capitalized : mongolian 3

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