Meaning of MORTALLY in English

ˈmȯ(r)d. ə lē, -(r)t ə l-, - ə li adverb

Etymology: Middle English, from mortal (I) + -ly

1. : in a deadly or fatal manner : to the point of death

his colonel and lieutenant colonel were both mortally wounded — J.D.Hicks

2. : to an extreme degree : grievously , intensely

millions have come out of the war lost souls … still mortally afraid — F.S.Kinney

mortally hates and fears a fall in farm income — Time

3. : by way of mortal sin

the souls of those who have sinned mortally — R.M.French

4. : awfully , extremely

all novelists and dramatists without genius … are usually being mortally serious about middle-class people entangled by Fate — F.A.Swinnerton

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