Meaning of MYLOHYOID in English

I. |mīlō|hīˌȯid adjective

also my·lo·hy·oi·de·an | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌhī|ȯidēən

Etymology: mylohyoid from New Latin mylohyoideus, from myl- + hyoides hyoid bone; mylohyoidean from New Latin mylohyoideus + English -an — more at hyoid bone

: of, indicating, or adjoining a muscle that extends from the inner surface of the mandible to the hyoid and forms the floor of the mouth

II. noun

or my·lo·hy·oi·de·us ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ˈȯidēəs

( plural mylohyoids -dz ; or mylohyoi·dei -dēˌī)

Etymology: New Latin mylohyoideus, from mylohyoideus, adjective

: a mylohyoid muscle

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