miˈstēk noun
( -s )
Etymology: French, from mystique, adjective, mystic, from Latin mysticus — more at mystic
a. : a complex of transcendental or semimystical beliefs and attitudes directed toward or developing around an object (as a person, institution, idea, or pursuit) and enhancing the value or significance of the object by enduing it with an esoteric truth or meaning
the mystique of the leader
a mystique of mountain climbing
b. : an object of a mystique or of the veneration characteristic of a mystique : a mystic symbol
2. : the special esoteric skill or mysterious faculty essential in a calling or activity
a dozen handicrafts each with its own mystique
3. : a mystical or metaphysical interpretation of reality or a real situation, usually expressed in a creed or credo, often served by a cult, and serving or intended to serve as a guide to action (as of a religious or a political group)