Meaning of NEGLIGIBLE in English


also neg·lige·able ˈneglə̇jəbəl, -lēj-

Etymology: negligible from neglig- (from Latin negligere ) + -ible; negligeable from French négligeable, from négliger to neglect (from Latin negligere ) + -able

: that can or should easily be disregarded:

a. : that is so tiny or unimportant or otherwise of so little consequence as to require or deserve little or no attention : trifling

the error involved is negligible — W.H.Dowdeswell

b. : that is of so little substance or extent or worth as to be practically nonexistent and so requiring or deserving little or no attention or respect

trade or industry is practically negligible — S.J.Roche

made negligible progress

poisonous plants in Arizona are so rare as to be negligible — American Guide Series: Arizona

a pious and good man, but an utterly negligible personality — Compton Mackenzie

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