ˈnestə(r); -ˌstȯ(ə)r, -ȯ(ə) noun
Etymology: after Nestor, legendary Greek hero known for long life and wisdom (from Latin & Greek; Latin, from Greek Nestōr )
1. -s often capitalized : a wise elder counselor : a grand old man : one regarded as patriarch or leader in his field
the Nestor of that great-statured generation — J.R.Chamberlain
the nestor of American philosophy — D.D.Runes
2. capitalized
[New Latin, from Latin]
: a genus of large parrots of New Zealand and the Papuan subregion that include the kaka and the kea and with related forms constitute a subfamily of Psittacidae or in some classifications a separate family
3. -s
[by alteration]
: nester 2
horse-and-cow-men, when they got to timbered country, found nestors and sodbusters, who were their natural enemies — W.F.Harris