I. (ˈ)n(y)ü|räd.ik, n(y)əˈr-, -ätik, -ēk noun
( -s )
Etymology: Greek neur- nerve, sinew (from neuron ) + English -otic (as in narcotic, n.) — more at nerve
1. archaic : a drug acting especially noxiously on the nervous system
[ neurotic (II) ]
: an emotionally unstable individual or one affected with a neurosis
II. adjective
Etymology: from New Latin neurosis, after such pairs as New Latin narcosis : English narcotic
a. : of, relating to, or involving the nerves : seated in the nerves
a neurotic disorder
b. : being a neurosis : nervous
a neurotic disease
2. : affected with, relating to, or characterized by neurosis
a neurotic person has become estranged from large parts of this world — Karen Horney