I. “+ noun
Etymology: non- (I) + committal
: the state of being noncommittal to a particular position or point of view : refusal to commit oneself
II. adjective
1. : taking no clear position or giving no clear indication of attitude, feeling, or point of view : reserved
finally consent to sign the brief and noncommittal communiqué — A.L.Funk
her tone was friendly but noncommittal — Helen Howe
did not greet him with flowery excitement but with a noncommittal “hello” — Sinclair Lewis
elicited a noncommittal grunt — C.G.D.Roberts
2. : having no clear, sharply defined, or distinctive character, meaning, or significance
a noncommittal word that might be used of anything from babies to furnaces — J.C.Swaim
pitched in the null, noncommittal surroundings of a rehearsal room — Osbert Sitwell
• non·com·mit·tal·ly - ə lē, -i adverb