I. |nändə̇|skript adjective
Etymology: non- (I) + Latin descript us, past participle of describere to describe — more at describe
1. archaic : not hitherto described
2. : lacking distinguishing characteristics or a distinctive character : belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind : not easily described : unclassifiable , indeterminate , indescribable
clad in nondescript gray clothes and battered black hat — Rex Ingamells
a section of nondescript row houses — American Guide Series: Virginia
a nondescript mixture of styles in the worst possible taste — G.B.Shaw
II. noun
( -s )
1. archaic : something (as a species of plant or mineral) not hitherto described
2. : someone or something lacking distinguishing characteristics or a distinctive character : an individual not easily classified or of no particular class or kind
the famous turquoise eyes had washed out to a milky nondescript — Budd Schulberg
a wizened old nondescript — Norman Douglas
the rush of prospectors, middlemen, gamblers, outlaws, and nondescripts — American Guide Series: Nevada
ranging from the landlord to the lowest stable nondescript — Charles Dickens
cattle in the region, 80 percent of which were crossbred nondescripts — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)
3. : the bottom or near the bottom grade of marketable tobacco