Meaning of NONSENSICAL in English

(ˈ)nän|sen(t)sə̇kəl, -sēk- adjective


a. : being nonsense or full of nonsense : unmeaning , absurd , foolish , preposterous

asked a nonsensical question — Morgan

refused to modify his opinions, even when the plain facts made them nonsensical — Douglas Stewart

b. : characterized by or revealing absurd or foolish speech, thoughts, or acts

subjected to strains and stresses by their nonsensical wives — Irish Digest


a. : nonsense 3

if nonsensical syllables are used as test material — G.A.Miller

b. : nonsense 2

represented by a few light nonsensical sketches — Marc Slonim

• non·sen·si·cal·i·ty ˌ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈkaləd.ē, -ətē, -i noun -es

• non·sen·si·cal·ly -sə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li adverb

• non·sen·si·cal·ness (ˈ) ̷ ̷|sen(t)sə̇kəlnə̇s, -sēk- noun -es

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