Meaning of NOON in English

I. ˈnün noun

( -s )

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Middle English, ninth hour of the day counting from sunrise, noon, midday, from Old English nōn ninth hour of the day counting from sunrise, from Latin nona, from feminine of nonus ninth; akin to Sanskrit navama ninth, Latin novem nine — more at nine

1. obsolete : none IV

2. : the middle of the day : the time when the sun is on the meridian : twelve o'clock in the daytime : midday

several hours before noon

noon meal

the noon line on a sundial

3. : midnight — used chiefly in the phrase noon of night

4. : the highest point : culmination

noon of life

II. intransitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

1. chiefly dialect : to take a rest or stop for a meal at noon

2. : to reach the culmination

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