əˈbligəˌtōrē, ˈäblə̇g-, -lēg-, -tȯr-, -ri, chiefly Brit |äblə|gātəri or -ā.tri adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French obligatoire, from Late Latin obligatorius, from Latin obligatus + -orius -ory
a. : demanded or required by existing obligations especially of a moral or legal nature ; specifically : binding in law or conscience
b. : imposing or constituting duty or obligation — often used with on or upon
obedience is obligatory on a soldier
2. : relating to or used to create or enforce an obligation
a writ obligatory
3. : having to be coped with (as by studying, acting, paying) : required
physical education is obligatory
an obligatory contribution
4. : obligate 1b