Meaning of OPERA in English

I. ope·ra ˈōpərə, ˈäp-

plural of opus

II. op·era ˈäp(ə)rə noun

( -s )

Etymology: Italian, work, opera, from Latin, work, pains; akin to Latin oper-, opus work — more at operate

1. : a drama in which music is the essential factor comprising songs with orchestral accompaniment (as recitative, aria, chorus ) and orchestral preludes and interludes — compare music drama

2. : the score of a musical drama


a. : the performance of an opera or a house where operas are performed

a season of opera

heard it at the opera

b. : an organization that produces and performs operas

4. : musical drama as a form of art

the origin of opera

French opera


[by shortening]

a. : opera pump

b. : opera slipper

6. : a showy unrealistic literary or theatrical production — see horse opera , soap opera , space opera

III. opera adjective

: used or suitable for use at or in an opera

opera chairs

especially : of a formal style suitable for wear at the opera

an opera cloak

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