ȯ(r)ˈbikyələ(r) adjective
Etymology: Middle English orbiculer, from Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French orbiculaire, from Late Latin orbicularis circular, from Latin orbiculus small disk + -aris -ar — more at orbicule
a. : resembling or having the form of an orb : spherical , circular
nearly orbicular in shape — P.S.Barnhart
b. : containing rounded bodies consisting of minerals in generally radial or tangential groupings usually in successive concentric zones
orbicular rocks
c. : encircling a part or opening
an orbicular ligament
2. : complete , rounded , integral
an orbicular system of political thought
• or·bic·u·lar·i·ty ˌ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈlarəd.ē noun -es
• or·bic·u·lar·ly adverb