I. adjective
: characterized by order: as
a. : marked by system, regularity, or discipline : carefully regulated or managed
theirs was an ordered life — C.B.Flood
my quiet, ordered house — L.P.Smith
b. : marked by a regular or harmonious arrangement or disposition : arranged or disposed so as to form a pattern
the trim and ordered landscape — Oscar Handlin
society before the industrial revolution … was ordered and relatively stable — R.C.Beatty
the ordered structure of crystals — J.L.Hoard & Seymour Galler
c. of a solid solution : characterized by a regular arrangement of solvent and solute atoms
II. adjective
: having elements succeeding or arranged according to a rule: as
a. : having the property that every pair of different elements is related by a transitive relationship that is not symmetric
b. : having the elements labeled by ordinal numbers
an ordered triple has a first, second, and third element