Meaning of ORGANOLOGY in English

I. ˌȯ(r)gəˈnäləjē noun

( -es )

Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary organ- + -logy

: the study of the organs of animals and plants ; especially : splanchnology

II. ˌȯrgəˈnäləjē, ˌȯ(ə)g- noun

( -es -s )

Etymology: organ (I) + -ology (as in musicology )

: the study of the structure, history, and use of musical instruments

• or·ga·no·log·i·cal ˌ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ nəˈläjə̇kəl adjective

• or·ga·nol·o·gist -ˌ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ ˈnäləjə̇st noun

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