Meaning of OUTFIT in English

I. ˈau̇tˌfit, usu -id.+V noun

( -s )

Etymology: out (III) + fit (after fit out )

1. : the act or process of fitting out or equipping (as for a voyage or expedition)

the outfit of the exploring party took several months


a. : the tools, instruments, or materials comprising the equipment necessary for the practice of a trade or profession or for the carrying out of a particular project

a prospector's outfit

a dentist's outfit

a model plane outfit

a shoeshine outfit

b. : wearing apparel with accessories designed to be worn on a special occasion or in a particular situation or setting

an outfit for a bride

an outfit for graduation

an outfit for camp

c. : physical, mental, or moral endowments or requirements

this addition that the dentist has made to my outfit — O.W.Holmes†1935

perception is only part of our mental outfit — A.S.Eddington


a. : a group of people traveling together

shared our campfire with a packhorse outfit — Joyce R. Muench


(1) : a team of ranch hands

the whole outfit was commanded by a trail boss — R.A.Billington

(2) : ranch

almost all the big outfits use the stamp iron — S.E.Fletcher

a dude outfit with a landing field — American Guide Series: Oregon

4. : a group of people working together as a team: as

a. : a political party or group

a small but influential outfit that has the balance of power in the city

b. : a military unit (as a division, regiment, or company)

enlisted men in line outfits all over the world — Yank

a rear echelon outfit — Gene Baro

c. : a jazz band or combination

the three-piece troubadour outfit — P.E.Deutschman

this fifteen piece outfit — Metronome

d. : a Navaho social group based on family relationships that presents a united front toward outsiders

5. : an organization engaged in a particular industry or activity

a large manufacturing outfit

worked for a publishing outfit

the university employs more people than any other outfit in the city

Synonyms: see equipment

II. transitive verb

1. : to furnish with an outfit

outfitted expeditions to far-off places — American Guide Series: Michigan

2. : furnish , supply

outfitting every family with shoes — American Guide Series: Vermont

required … the judge to outfit him legally — Francis Hackett

intransitive verb

: to acquire an outfit

they outfitted for the long journey — American Guide Series: Texas

Synonyms: see furnish

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