I. | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective
Etymology: from past participle of overblow
1. : blown over or away
a. : marked by excessively large girth or proportions : portly
a handsome, overblown creature — S.J.Perelman
swamps that helped support his overblown body — Jack Breed
(1) : puffed up to inflated proportions
the overblown products of propaganda — Newsweek
empty shuffling of overblown memories — Saturday Review
the tale becomes overblown and thin — Amy Loveman
a corrective power to deflate whatever was overblown — Listener
(2) : flamboyant, turgid, or bombastic in manner or content : pretentious
an obsolete and overblown oratory — Bernard De Voto
as strained, overblown , and obvious as a soap opera — Charles Lee
his climaxes are … never maudlin or overblown — Modern Music
II. adjective
Etymology: over (I) + blown, past participle of blow (to blossom)
: blossomed to excess : more than full blown
a rose that already is overblown — C.E.Montague