| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective
a. : unpaid after the proper or assigned time of payment
an overdue note
b. : delayed (as in arrival or presentation) beyond the proper or assigned time
an overdue library book
an overdue ship
her gallant was … more than an hour overdue — Dorothy Barclay
c. : being something that fills a need of long standing or that has been long awaited
improvement is long overdue — Stuart Chase
land reform which was long overdue — Richard Hunt
the book is overdue — John Berryman
got an overdue reward — Time
2. : exceeding its merits or what is appropriate : excessive
an overdue share of attention — Evelyn Whitehead
if the tool is built with overdue sturdiness — American Machinist
3. : more than ready or ripe
colonies that are overdue for liberation — David Landman
announcing that the country was overdue for democracy — Time
Synonyms: see tardy