Meaning of PALAESTRA in English


also pa·les·tra pəˈlestrə, chiefly Brit -lēs- ; or pa·lais·tra -līs-, -lās-

( plural palaes·trae -eˌstrē ; or palaes·tras -_strəz ; also pales·trae -eˌstrē ; or pales·tras -_strəz ; or palais·trae -īˌstrē, -āˌs- ; also palais·tras -_strəz)

Etymology: Latin palaestra, from Greek palaistra, from palaiein to wrestle; probably akin to Greek pallein to brandish — more at polemic


a. : a place in ancient Greece or Rome for teaching and practicing wrestling and other sports

b. : a gymnasium or stadium

2. : athletic exercise or practice ; especially : wrestling

• pa·laes·tral also pa·les·tral -ˈlestrəl adjective

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