ˈpərfik(t)lē, ˈpə̄f-, ˈpəif-, -fēk-, -li adverb
Etymology: alteration (influenced by Latin perfectus perfect) of Middle English perfitly, parfitly, from perfit, parfit perfect + -ly — more at perfect
a. : to the fullest extent : completely , thoroughly
a perfectly deliberate measure — Ralph Linton
a perfectly straight face
poems … perfectly suited to an occasion — J.D.Hart
b. : to a precise degree : accurately
breadboard, which is perfectly round — New Yorker
perfectly predictable electronic reactions — Robert Bendiner
c. : to an adequate extent : quite
most parents … manage to raise perfectly good children — B.M.Beck
d. dialect : exactly
perfectly as if she were back on her own porch — Maristan Chapman
2. : in a flawless manner : faultlessly , ideally
attractive churches, perfectly kept parks, playgrounds — American Guide Series: Minnesota
sang perfectly — Virgil Thomson