Meaning of PERISSODACTYLA in English

 ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈdaktələ noun plural

Usage: capitalized

Etymology: New Latin, from Middle Greek perissodaktyla, neuter plural of perissodaktylos having more than the usual number of fingers or toes, from Greek perissos beyond the regular number or size, extraordinary, excessive, uneven (from peri around, beyond) + daktylos finger, toe — more at peri-

: an order of nonruminant ungulate mammals including the horse, tapir, rhinoceros, and related forms and usually having an odd number of toes, lophodont teeth with the posterior premolars resembling true molars, and 23 dorsolumbar vertebrae — compare artiodactyla

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