ˈpərsə̇ˌkyüt, ˈpə̄s-, ˈpəis-, -sēˌk-, usu -üd.+V transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle French persecuter, back-formation from persecuteur persecutor — more at persecutor
1. obsolete
a. : to follow with the intent of killing, capturing, or harming : hunt down : pursue
b. : to follow up with vigor or to the end
2. : to harass in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict usually because of some difference of outlook or opinion : set upon with cruelty or malignity : oppress ; specifically : to cause to suffer or put to death because of belief (as in a religion)
3. chiefly dialect : to prosecute at law
4. : to afflict, harass, or annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, importunities) : pester , vex
Synonyms: see wrong