Meaning of PERTURB in English

pərˈtərb; pəˈtə̄b, -təib transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Middle English perturben, from Middle French perturber, from Latin perturbare, from per-, intensive prefix + turbare to throw into disorder, disturb, make turbid — more at per- , turbid

1. : to disturb considerably in mind : make quite uneasy : cause to be upset or worried or alarmed : disquiet , unsettle

was perturbed by the news

had not expected this development and it rather perturbed him

2. : to put into considerable disorder or confusion : throw out of kilter : derange

perturbing good social order with their lies and propaganda


a. : to cause (a planet or other celestial body) to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion usually as a result of interposed or otherwise extraordinary gravitational pull

b. : to disturb or interfere with or modify the usual or expected motion or course or arrangement of (as atoms)

interaction between a hydrogen atom perturbed by a passing ion — Physical Review

4. : to subject to tonal perturbation

Synonyms: see discompose

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.