I. ˈfāz noun
( -s )
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek phasech, phasek, from Hebrew pesaḥ — more at pasch
: passover — so translated in the Douay Version of the Bible
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: New Latin phasis, from Greek, appearance of a star, phase of the moon, from phainein to show — more at fancy
1. astronomy : a particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form of illuminated disk (as of a planet, the moon)
a. : a stage or interval in a development or cycle : a subdivision or an activity or operation on the basis of time, place, or accomplishment
the assembly phase of production — advt
the way children develop and the different phases they go through — Dorothy Barclay
the final phase of a war
addition of a left-turn phase to the … intersection traffic light — Amarillo (Texas) Sunday News-Globe
b. : an aspect or part (as a situation or activity) being subjected to consideration
the moral phase of the problem — John Dewey
engaged in several phases of transportation in the course of his career — Current Biography
monographs which take up special phases of life within the localities — C.L.Jones
3. : the point or stage in a period in uniform circular motion, simple harmonic motion, or the periodic changes of any magnitude varying according to a simple harmonic law (as sound vibrations, alternating currents, or electric oscillations) to which the rotation, oscillation, or variation has advanced considered in its relation to a standard position or assumed instant of starting and expressed in angular measure with one cycle or period being 360 degrees
a. : a homogeneous, physically distinct, and mechanically separable portion of matter that is present in a nonhomogeneous physical-chemical system and that may be either a single compound or a mixture — compare state 2a
water exists in the solid phase as ice, in the liquid as water, and in the gaseous as water vapor or steam
b. : a part of a soil unit or type varying slightly from the normal in the characteristics used in its classification
5. : an individual or subgroup distinguishably different in appearance or behavior from the norm of the group to which it belongs
the gregaria phase of a grasshopper
also : the distinguishing peculiarity
the silver phase of the red fox
an avirulent phase of Brucella abortus
— compare color phase
6. : a unit of classification in the Midwestern system for American archaeology constituting a group of aspects having in common a significant number of those features determinative of type — see pattern ; compare component , focus
aspect , side , facet , angle : phase may apply to a manifestation of change or to a stage in growth or development
the phases of the moon
the red fox shows various color phases
another war, he explained recently, would be likely to start with an opening phase of unparalleled intensity — A.P.Ryan
felt that one phase of his poetic development was completed — Douglas Cleverdon
aspect may also suggest an appearance showing a change or stage, sometimes a minor or superficial one; it is frequently used to indicate changes in the observer's point of view or specific compartmenting of his notions
the lower part of the basin of the Tweed takes on a kindly aspect of ploughed land, grass fields — L.D.Stamp
from a certain aspect it is acceptable for the artist to ignore his public — Huntington Hartford
only the military side of European defense will be considered, leaving the economic aspects for a later article — S.B.Fay
side in this sense may be interchangeable with phase and aspect but is likely to suggest more forcefully the existence of an opposed or tangential point of view
I have shown you only one side, or rather one phase, of her — Edith Wharton
asked to be allowed to tell his own side of the story
the history as a whole is deficient on the economic side — Allen Johnson
facet implies a multiplicity of other faces or sides comparable to the one singled out for attention
the facets of a cut diamond
his talk revealed every facet of his glittering, bizarre personality, his wit, his scholarship, his quick, penetrating intellect, his delight in the use of decorative, high-sounding words, his love of the ornate and picturesque — Alvin Redman
conferences of the chief departmental officers of the railways are regularly held, including accounts, advertising, engineering, traffic, stores — in fact every conceivable facet of railway operation — O.S.Nock
angle may suggest concentration on one restricted specific viewpoint
much safer from the technical angle, but terrible for the actors — Denis Johnston
views these developments from a fresh angle — Dumas Malone
- in phase
- out of phase
III. transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
1. : to adjust so as to be in phase
the phasing of the recorder to the incoming signals — M.G.Artzt
a. : to conduct or carry out by especially planned phases
a phased advance, with coordination between units — Time
fundamental approach in the phased march toward “socialized agriculture” — H.R.Lieberman
drastic plan for phased disarmament in all weapons — M.W.Straight
b. : to schedule (as operations) or contract for (as goods or services) to be performed or supplied as required
guiding industry to phase its development programs — Barbara Ward
could talk their language — production phasing, subcontracting — Time
construction power was phased along with combat power — J.L.Collins
3. : to introduce (as into a system, plan, or operation) in stages
the new weapons and methods will be phased into the system — Sydney (Australia) Bulletin
phase … the establishment of a neutral zone — H.W.Baldwin
— often used with in
phase in reinforcements in accordance with tactical plans
new-model autos are now being phased in
variant of faze