ˌfizēˈälə.jē, -ji noun
( -es )
Etymology: Latin physiologia, from Greek, from physi- + -logia -logy
1. obsolete
a. : natural science , natural philosophy 1
b. : a particular theory or view of nature
2. : a branch of biology dealing with the processes, activities, and phenomena incidental to and characteristic of life or of living organisms : the study of the functions and activities of living matter (as of organs, tissues, or cells) as such and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved — distinguished from anatomy ; compare psychology
3. : the organic processes and phenomena of an organism or any of its parts or of a particular bodily process
the physiology of the jellyfish
physiology of the thyroid gland
physiology of a rust fungus
the physiology of digestion
4. : a treatise on physiology