I. (ˈ)pik|tōrēəl, -tȯr- adjective
Etymology: Late Latin pictori us pictorial (from Latin pictor painter + -ius -ious) + English -al — more at picturesque
1. : of or relating to a painter, a painting, or the painting or drawing of pictures
pictorial perspective
pictorial invention
a. : consisting of pictures : being in the form of a picture or pictograph
pictorial records
b. : illustrated by or adorned with pictures
pictorial weekly
c. : pictographic
3. : having the qualities of a picture : suggesting or conveying visual images
pictorial imagination
pictorial poetry
• pic·to·ri·al·ly -əlē, -li adverb
• pic·to·ri·al·ness noun -es
II. noun
( -s )
1. : a periodical employing a high proportion of pictorial matter
2. : a postage stamp having a picture as the central feature of its design