I. ˈpilgrə̇m noun
( -s ; except sense 6a )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French peligrin, from Late Latin pelegrinus, alteration of Latin peregrinus foreigner, from peregre abroad, from pereger being abroad, from per through + agr-, ager land, field — more at fare , acre
a. : one who journeys especially in alien lands : traveler , wayfarer
b. : a person who passes through life as if in exile from a heavenly homeland or in search of it or of some high goal (as truth)
2. : one who travels to visit a shrine or holy place as a devotee
realizes the ideal of every devout pilgrim and journeys to the Holy Land — R.M.French
a. usually capitalized : one of the Pilgrim Fathers
b. : a first settler
trace their line back to the original … pilgrims — American Guide Series: Maryland
4. : a recent immigrant or settler : one that is new or strange in a locality
5. : fashion gray
a. usually capitalized : an American breed of rather small domestic geese distinguished by having the male white and the female gray
b. sometimes capitalized : a bird of this breed
II. intransitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
: to be or act as a pilgrim : pilgrimage
they had pilgrimed for that peace — R.O.Bowen