Meaning of PLECTOGNATHI in English

plekˈtägnəˌthī noun plural

Usage: capitalized

Etymology: New Latin, from plect- + -gnathi, plural of -gnathus

: an order of bony fishes that generally have the maxillary bone united with the premaxillary, the posttemporal united with the skull, and the gill openings greatly reduced in size, have the ventral fins rudimentary or wanting and the body usually covered with bony plates, spines, or small rough ossicles, and include the boxfishes, filefishes, globefishes, sunfishes, triggerfishes, and related forms

• plec·tog·nath·ic |plekˌtäg|nathik adjective

• plec·tog·na·thous (ˈ)plek|tägnəthəs adjective

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