ˈplentə̇fəl, -tēf- adjective
1. : containing or yielding plenty : fruitful , opulent
a plentiful land
a plentiful supper of roast and boiled beef and mutton — W.H.Hudson †1922
2. : characterized by, constituting, or existing in plenty : numerous
the deer are as plentiful as the vast wilderness will support — S.H.Holbrook
his religion … summoned him to serve the plentiful reform movements of the day — V.L.Parrington
plenteous , ample , abundant , copious : these adjectives have the common meaning of more than adequate or sufficient yet not in excess. That is plentiful or plenteous of which there is a rich or full, usually more than full, supply
a plentiful supply of books
butter is cheap when it is plentiful, and dear when it is scarce — G.B.Shaw
aluminum, one of the world's most plentiful elements — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania
a plenteous number of individual poems — College English
a plenteous harvest — J.G.Frazer
That is ample which is generously sufficient to satisfy a particular requirement
manufacturers had ample supplies on hand to meet the emergency — Current Biography
provide ample opportunity for fieldwork with Indian tribes — D.G.Mandelbaum
ample proof of the power of words — advt
abundant suggests a greater or richer supply than does plentiful
her unselfish and abundant interests — Rex Ingamells
the many small denominational colleges so abundant throughout the Middle West — G.P.Merrill
copious , not quite interchangeable with plentiful , puts emphasis upon largeness of supply more than on fullness or richness
his papers were copious and bizarre, and it took me nearly two hours to find the will — John Cheever
his copious flaxen curls — Richard Garnett †1906
wahsed down with copious drafts of beer — Green Peyton