Meaning of POLLEN in English

I. ˈpälən noun

( -s )

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Latin pollin-, pollen fine flour, fine dust; akin to Latin pollenta pearl barley, pulvis dust, Greek palē fine meal, dust, poltos porridge, and probably to Sanskrit palala ground sesame seeds

1. obsolete : fine flour or meal


[New Latin pollin-, pollen, from Latin]

a. : a mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust made up of minute granular microspores typically formed in fours by reduction of a pollen mother cell with each grain consisting of a single cell that has a characteristically sculptured outer wall and gives rise on germination to a pollen tube through which its male generative element passes to the ovule for fertilization of the egg — compare tetrad

b. : a dusty of pruinous bloom on the body of various insects

II. transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

: to cover with pollen : pollinate


variant of pollan

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