Meaning of PRESBYTERIAN in English

I. -rēən adjective

Etymology: presbytery + -an

1. often capitalized : having or characterized by a graded system of representative ecclesiastical bodies (as presbyteries, sessions, and a general assembly) exercising legislative and judicial powers

in local affairs the churches are presbyterian in government — F.S.Mead

— compare congregational 2, episcopal 2a

2. usually capitalized

a. : of, relating to, or constituting a Protestant Christian church that is presbyterian in government and traditionally Calvinistic in doctrine

a Presbyterian minister

the Presbyterian Church of Canada

— compare reformed

b. : characterizing or held to characterize a member of such a church

a Presbyterian conscience

a thorough-going Presbyterian distaste for bishops — E.R.R.Green

II. noun

( -s )

Usage: usually capitalized

: a member of a Presbyterian church : a supporter of Presbyterianism

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