Meaning of PRESENTATION in English

ˌprēˌzen.ˈtāshən, ˌprez ə n-, ˌprēz ə n- noun

( -s )

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Middle English presentacioun, from Middle French presentation, from Late Latin praesentation-, praesentatio, from Latin praesentatus (past participle of praesentare to present) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at present

1. : the act of presenting: as


(1) : the act, power, or privilege especially of a patron of applying usually by deed to the bishop or ordinary for the institution of one nominated to a benefice

(2) : the appointment to a benefice through being so presented — compare collation , nomination

b. : the nomination by one ecclesiastical authority (as a vestry) of a candidate to be appointed by another (as a bishop)

c. often capitalized : the act of formally presenting a person before God as a ceremonial religious act

the presentation of Christ in the temple

d. : the act of presenting usually in a formal manner for acceptance : bestowal , delivery

the presentation of an honors thesis — Official Register of Harvard University

presentation of the colors

e. : the act of setting forth for the notice or attention of the mind : statement

the presentation of information … by the executive to Congress — Vera M. Dean

the military officer must learn to make staff presentations — Dallas Albritton

limited most novelists to the presentation … of the life they know best — F.B.Millett

f. : the act of presenting to sight or view : pictorial, theatrical, or symbolic representation : display , exhibition , show

news happenings which … lend themselves to visual presentation — Current Biography

presentation of a ballet

g. : the act of formally presenting a candidate (as for examination or for conferral of a degree)

h. : the formal or ceremonious introduction of a person (as to an assembly or at a royal court)

presentation of a nationally recognized speaker to the … student body — Bulletin of Meharry Medical College

induce … one of the great ladies of the court to act as sponsor at her presentation — R.D.Benn

2. : someone or something presented: as

a. : a symbol or image that represents something

presentation on a radar screen

b. : something offered or given : donation , gift , present

make this scholarship an annual presentation — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union

c. : one set forth, represented, or delineated for the attention of the mind

the author of a more formal presentation — Arthur Knight

3. : the position in which the fetus lies in the uterus in labor with respect to the mouth of the uterus

face presentation

breech presentation

4. : a datum of perception or sense appearance ; specifically : the element in the cognition of an object which is given by direct awareness as distinguished from that which is added by association or thinking

a visual presentation of a baseball … is spatially bidimensional — Nelson Goodman

5. : appearance in conscious experience either as a sensory product or as a memory image

6. usually capitalized

a. : candlemas 1

b. : a church feast celebrating the presentation of the Virgin Mary in the temple observed in both Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches on November 21

7. : the method by which radio, navigation, or radar information is given to the operator (as the pilot of an airplane)

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.