ˈprintə(r) noun
( -s )
1. : one whose work is printing: as
a. : one that is engaged in the art or business of printing
a small commercial printer
especially : a practitioner of one of the constituent skilled printing crafts (as a compositor or pressman)
b. : one who decorates materials (as textiles, pottery, wallpaper) with printed designs
2. : a device used in printing or to print reproductions: as
(1) : a device containing a light source for exposing sensitive photographic material to light transmitted by a negative or positive that is either held in contact with the material (as in making a contact print) or that is not in contact with it so that a lens is used to project the image onto the material (as in making a projection print)
(2) : a machine for printing motion-picture positives from negatives or vice versa either by contact or by optical projection
b. : an instrument that records a telegraphic message at the receiving end in printed characters