ˌprōəˈbishən, ˌprōhəˈ- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English prohibicioun, from Middle French prohibition, from Latin prohibition-, prohibitio, from prohibitus (past participle of prohibēre to prohibit) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at prohibit
1. : writ of prohibition
2. : the act of prohibiting by or as if by authority
3. : a declaration or injunction forbidding an action : an order to restrain or stop
enforcing many prohibitions against his settlers concerning trade, crops, and occupations — American Guide Series: Delaware
don't often issue positive prohibitions in my capacity of superior officer — S.E.White
a. : the forbidding by law of the sale and sometimes the manufacture of alcoholic liquors as beverages
b. : the forbidding by law of the transportation as well as the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors except for medicinal and sacramental purposes