Meaning of PROLIFERATE in English

I. -əˌrāt, usu -ād.+V verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: back-formation from proliferation

intransitive verb

1. : to grow by proliferation

the nerve tips proliferate — F.A.Geldord

2. : to increase in numbers as if by proliferation : burgeon , expand , multiply , spread

had proliferated into eleven subsidiary agencies — Time

fantasies proliferate where facts are few — Weston La Barre

buildings which … proliferate farther back — Fortune

transitive verb

1. : to cause to grow by proliferation

2. : to cause to increase in numbers as if by proliferation : produce abundantly

that fellow proliferated ideas — H.J.Laski

tendency to proliferate jobs and men — J.K.Galbraith

II. -_rə̇t, -ˌrāt, usu -d.+V adjective

Etymology: back-formation from proliferation

: developing a leafy shoot from a normally terminal organ — used especially of a flower

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