Meaning of PROMULGATE in English

ˈpräməlˌgāt, prəˈm-, prōˈm- also ˈprō(ˌ)m-; usu -ād.+V transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Latin promulgatus, past participle of promulgare to make public, perhaps alteration of provulgare, from pro- forth + vulgare to publish — more at pro- , vulgate

1. : to make known (as a decree, a dogma) by open declaration : proclaim


a. : to make known or public the terms of (a proposed law)

b. : to issue or give out (a law) by way of putting into execution

c. : to make public as having the force of law

d. : to announce officially

Synonyms: see declare

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