ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈgāshən noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English propagacyon, from Middle French propagation, from Latin propagation-, propagatio, from propagatus (past participle of propagare ) + -ion-, -io -ion
1. : the act or action of propagating: as
a. : natural reproduction : production of young : natural increase (as a kind of organism) in numbers : procreation
propagation of a pure culture of bacteria
vegetative propagation of chrysanthemums
b. : the spreading of something (as a belief, ideal, practice) abroad or into new regions : dissemination
c. : the transmission of a form of wave energy (as light, sound, radio wave) through space or along a path
d. : enlargement or extension (as of a crack) in a solid body
propagation under stress of a flaw in glass
2. obsolete : offspring , breed
• prop·a·ga·tion·al | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|gāshən ə l, -shnəl adjective