I. |prōfə|laktik, -tēk also |präf- adjective
Etymology: Greek prophylaktikos, from (assumed) Greek prophylaktos (verbal of Greek prophylassein to keep guard before, take precautions against, from pro- pro- (I) + phylassein to guard, preserve, from phylak-, phylax guard) + Greek -ikos -ic
1. : guarding from disease : preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease
2. : tending to prevent or ward off : preventive , cautionary
the swastika … a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples — Victor Schultze
the purpose of this volume is prophylactic rather than remedial — Knight Dunlap
II. noun
( -s )
1. : something (as a medicinal preparation) that prevents or helps to prevent disease : preventive
a. : a device (as a condom) for preventing venereal infection
b. : any of a number of devices for the prevention of conception