prəˈtekt transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Latin protectus, past participle of protegere to cover in front, to defend, protect, from pro- pro- (I) + tegere to cover — more at thatch
1. : to cover or shield from that which would injure, destroy, or detrimentally affect : secure or preserve usually against attack, disintegration, encroachment, or harm : guard
the ring of old forts which so far had protected the city successfully — P.W.Thompson
hands half protected by shabby woolen mittens — F.V.W.Mason
his invention was protected by a patent
the scanty vegetation was insufficient to protect the light soil from blustery winds — R.H.Billington
both led happy protected lives — Kathleen Freeman
2. obsolete : to act as protector for
the King had virtuous uncles to protect his Grace — Shakespeare
3. : to guard, shield, or foster by a protective tariff or other form of trade control
4. : to render (a lyophobic colloid) stable by the addition of a protective colloid
a. : to warn (the crew of an approaching train) that the track ahead is not clear
b. : to flag or signal to stop
Synonyms: see defend