ˈsüdōˌbraŋk noun
or pseu·do·bran·chia ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈbraŋkēə ; or pseu·do·bran·chi·um -ēəm
( plural pseudobranchs -ks ; or pseudobranchi·ae -kēˌē ; or pseudobran·chia -kēə)
Etymology: pseudobranch from New Latin pseudobranchia; pseudobranchia from New Latin, from pseud- + -branchia (II) ; pseudobranchium from New Latin, from pseudobranchia
: an accessory or spurious gill (as on the inner surface of the operculum in various fishes) that is usually small and is sometimes completely hidden beneath the epithelium
• pseu·do·bran·chi·al | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|braŋkēəl or pseu·do·bran·chi·ate -ēə̇t, -ēˌāt adjective