I. R ˈpər, + vowel ˈpər.; - R ˈpə̄, + suffixal vowel ˈpər. also ˈpə̄r, + vowel in a following word ˈpər. or ˈpə̄ also ˈpə̄r noun
( -s )
Etymology: imit
a. : a low vibratory murmur of a cat that appears to indicate contentment or pleasure and is believed to result from the streaming of air over the false vocal cords
b. : a similar sound of another animal
2. : a sound resembling the purr of a cat
the soft purr of a passing motor
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: imitative
intransitive verb
1. : to utter or give forth a purr
a. : to speak as if purring
b. : to speak in a light but catty manner
transitive verb
: to signify or express by purring or in a lightly catty manner