I. ˈkwäd.ərˌnerē, kwäˈtərnərē noun
( -es )
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin quaternarius, adjective, consisting of four each, from quaterni four each (from quater four times) + -arius -ary
a. : a group of four
b. : a member of a fourth group
2. usually capitalized : the Quaternary period or system of rocks
II. adjective
Etymology: Latin quaternarius consisting of four each
1. : consisting of four parts or components : by fours or in sets of four
a quaternary compound
a. : fourth in order
b. usually capitalized : of or relating to the geological period from the end of the Tertiary to the present time — see geologic time table
3. : characterized by replacement in the fourth degree: as
a. : united to four carbon atoms in organic radicals
a quaternary carbon atom
b. : consisting of or containing an atom (as nitrogen) united by four bonds to carbon atoms in organic radicals
quaternary ammonium [R 4 N] +
quaternary salts