-(ˌ)chō noun
( -s )
Etymology: American Spanish, alteration of quiebracha, quiebrahacha, from quiebra it breaks (3d singular present indicative of quebrar to break, from Latin crepare to rattle, crack, creak) + hacha ax, from French hache — more at raven , hash
1. : any of several tropical American trees with notably hard wood: as
a. : a tree ( Aspidosperma quebracho ) of Chile and Argentina that yields quebracho bark — called also white quebracho
b. : a tree ( Schinopsis lorentzii ) that is native to Argentina and is used as a source of tannin and in dyeing — called also red quebracho
c. : a So. American tree ( Iodina rhombifolia ) of the family Santalaceae used in tanning and dyeing
d. : any of several Central American and Mexican leguminous trees (as Lysiloma divaricata, Caesalpinia platyloba, Pithecolobium arboreum )
2. : the wood of a quebracho
3. or quebracho bark : aspidosperma 2