also rangey ˈrānjē, -ji
( sometimes rangier sometimes rangiest )
Etymology: range (I) & range (II) + -y
1. : having room for ranging : open , spacious
our vast, unpeopled, rangy country — E.A.Weeks
2. : having ranges : mountainous
3. : inclined, able, or apt to range or rove about often for considerable distances
4. of an animal
a. : of large proportions : being long-limbed and long-bodied
big rangy cattle, strong enough to climb over the hills to market — Russell Lord
b. : giving an appearance of slenderness
a horse to be fast must be long and rangy — C.W.Gay
— compare cobby , chuffy
5. of a person : being long-legged and slender
rangy kilted soldiers stalking along the streets — A.W.Long
6. : having great range or scope
these rangy considerations rise immediately out of reading — Richard Sullivan