I. reb·el ˈrebəl adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French rebelle, from Latin rebellis, from re- + bellum war, from Old Latin duellum — more at duel
a. : opposing or taking arms against the government or ruler of a country
the rebel general
the rebel lord
his rebel son
b. : of, relating to, or belonging to rebels
the rebel army
the rebel camp
2. : disobedient , rebellious
fonder of alliterative rhythm, and more rebel to strict metrical ways — George Saintsbury
II. rebel noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French rebelle, from Old French rebelle, adjective
1. : one who opposes authority or restraint : one who breaks with established custom or tradition
a rebel against the conventions of education — Allen Johnson
a rebel priding himself on his unorthodoxy — Anthony West
2. : one who participates in a rebellion
forsook peaceful methods of reform and became a real rebel — American Guide Series: Rhode Island
cities that were faithful have gone under to rebels — Gilbert Parker
III. re·bel rə̇ˈbel, rēˈ- intransitive verb
( rebelled ; rebelled ; rebelling ; rebels )
Etymology: Middle English rebellen, from Middle French rebeller, from Latin rebellare to make war again, rebel, from re- + bellare to make war, from bellum war
a. : to oppose or disobey one in authority or control
rebelled against the leaders of his party and voted with the opposition
b. : to renounce and resist by force the authority of the ruler or government to which one owes allegiance
rebelled and raised an army to overthrow the king
rebelled against the national government and declared their autonomy
a. : to put up a fight : show opposition
rebelled against the industrialized urban life about him — W.P.Clancy
rebelled at the routine of a clerk's work — J.E.Ferris
b. : to feel or exhibit anger or revulsion
rebelled at the injustice of his situation and cursed his fate
his senses rebelled at the sights and smells of the town